The start of a new year is a time to reflect on what you want to do differently and how you can do it. From working out more to being more optimistic to taking a new class- there are endless amounts of things to focus on this new year. Here is a list of unique ideas for you to pick through to start this New Year off right!



Start Journaling or Writing More

  • This can allow you to vent, reflect, imagine, and explore the ideas in your head to an outlet that doesn’t care what you are saying. It is very healthy to mentally get your ideas out, no matter what they be, you never know where your brain will take you. Don’t know what to write? Buy this journal that prompts you on topics to write about!


Write out your bucket list and check some things off

  • Sure there are always things you know you want to do in your head but if you have them written down and are physically able to cross them off when you accomplish them, you will be more apt to do it!


Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone

  • Do you feel complacent with where you are at? Maybe take a trip, go on an adventure somewhere that may freak you out a bit. A good friend of mine always says, “Life only begins when you are out of your comfort zone”. So go live!


Learn something new every day

  • This may happen naturally but if you learn something new every day after 365 days, you’ll be closer to Einstein! A good way to do this is listening to podcasts, here is a list of my favorites!


Learn how to do nothing

  • Everyone is busy with life and family and friends and working out. While all of this is good, sometimes, you just need to relax and watch a good movie or take a hike to no destination. Doing nothing can feel fantastic. Take some “me time” every once in a while.


Find a cause that you are passionate about and stick to it

  • Whether it’s the local food pantry or animals in Africa- find something that you love and can stand by and work for it. A little can go a long way! Check out this website to find your favorite. 


Go out for your favorite meal

  • It’s the little things in life. No matter what, go out for your favorite meal. You won’t regret it. If it makes you happy, eat the ice cream sundae (yes, ice cream can be a meal).


Find a workout you actually enjoy

  • If you’re going out for your favorite meal all of the time, you might want to follow it up with a solid workout that makes you feel even better. Don’t choose workouts that you want to be done before you even start, find one that makes you excited. A great recommendation for finding a workout is Beachbody On Demand. It’s like Netflix for workouts, there is bound to be a few that you enjoy.


Figure out things that make you happy and take advantage of them

  • Hammocks, Poptarts, stargazing, smoothies, Oreos, poetry- find your favorite things in life and do them. If you can’t do all of them where you are at, do some of them- moderation is better than nothing. I’m a firm believer in if you are not doing something that makes you happy, you shouldn’t be doing it.


Spread love to other people

  • This world could use a little extra lovin’. Try smiling at people passing, make conversation with an elderly person that looks lonely, buy the person’s meal behind you in the drive through, give plenty of hugs, and do something you don’t want to do for a loved one just because it would make them happy (this may contradict what I said above, but making a loved one happy can make you happy too). Kindness is free and hugs are always transferable.


Focus on listening

  • Lots of good wisdom can come out of listening intently to what people have to say. Everyone has experienced something you haven’t. Learn from their something. Grandparents are the best for this type of thing, they’ve outlived you a few years!


Make a playlist you won’t get sick of

  • A good music playlist can be directly related to your motivation. Make a playlist that will make you dance like a goof in the car- some good throwbacks always do the trick.


Live more eco-friendly

  • Many little changes add up to something bigger. Give this post a look for some ideas!


Find a book that captivates you

  • A lot of peace and satisfaction can be found from sitting with a blanket, reading a good book and never wanting it to end. While I like reading, I definitely do not do it enough but here are some of my favorite books.

Into the Wild- Jon Krakauer | On the Road- Jack Kerouac | Before I Fall-Lauren Oliver


Make more time for the outdoors

  • It is proven that spending time outside lengths your life, boosts your mood, reduces stress, makes people more creative and so many more benefits. By trying to get outside each day, week, or every other week, you will be able to take advantage of these benefits and the beauty of nature. Go for a walk in the woods, throw a football, swim in the ocean. Find something outside that you love and stick to it. You’ll feel the benefits.


I hope these 15 possible resolutions sparked some new ideas for you! By focusing on one, you can start your year off with some optimism and growth and have a wonderful 2019. I recommend writing down your resolutions to have them set in stone, as a reminder, and so you have the ability to cross them off once you accomplish them. It feels so good. 

Happy New Year and I wish you all the best in 2019! If you have any ideas for me and everyone else, comment them below!


More posts to kickstart your year:


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